
Main goal of the project is to verify, explain and preserve the new ritual and astronomical observatory, discovered by preceding Slovak research realized in Uaxactun in Guatemala, create its 3D model and present it in Slovakia and worldwide. In the phase of VERIFICATION, we will be working in collaboration with the observatory in Hlohovec. We will verify the accuracy of calculations and create graphic models of the observatory as it existed and functioned in 100 BC – 150 AD. Phase of EXPLANATION will focus on religious and ritual comparison and iconographical analysis that should put these observations into context of contemporary ritualism. In the phase of PRESERVATION, we will employ the most advanced restoration technologies, including nanotechnologies, some of which will be developed as entirely new methods of preservation of world cultural heritage. These methods will be applied on the original stucco mask in order to preserve it for future generations. CREATING A MODEL will include physical model, representing the mask of jaguar god, located on the façade of the observatory in Uaxactun, as well as virtual 3D model. PRESENTATION will include building a smaller copy in Slovakia and realization of interactive exhibition with the 3D model, as well as permanent website. The oldest, biggest and most important Mayan observatory in history will not be only discovered by Slovak project, but explained, interpreted, preserved and presented as well.